Wednesday, June 30, 2010

No motivation....

for anything. I lost it all, and don't know what to do. I need to lose weight, don't do it. I need to go into my studio and create something, don't do it. I need to exercise, clean house and a million other things and I just don't do them!! aaaahhhhhhhh!

1 comment:

Outstanding Stranger said...

Snap out of it Donna!!! How would you like to feel the same way only much older!! Fat and down in the dumps? I love your Valentine book. Maybe you could join a Flickr group? I always find inspiration there. I got moving, cleaning my house because I am expecting company in July. Just do one thing at a time. One day all I did was get rid of stuff I haven't used in 15 years in the top shelves of just my kitchen. The next week I did the lower shelves and thru out OLD spices and out of date stuff. It gives you time to clean out your mind at the same time. Love yourself!! You are not your weight!! Oh yah I forgot to to fat,old,backproblems and a husband who works out and is 7 years younger then me...Hugs, Diane